The Upper Cumberland Concert Festival is an annual event for Middle and High School bands that provides an opportunity to perform for acclaimed judges for comments, feedback and to compete for ratings. The event is hosted each year at Prescott South Middle School and will take place on March 1st and 2nd, 2024. Performances will take place in the afternoon and evening on Friday, March 1st and all day Saturday, March 2nd.
The judges for 2024 are:
Joe Hermann
Jon Dugle
This festival includes on-stage performance only (no sight-reading). Ensembles are allotted 30 minutes of on stage time. Warm-up takes place 30 minutes before your performance. Bands will be given a rating of I (Superior) or II (Excellent) based on their performance.
There will be concessions available for purchase - please support the PSMS Band!
Registration for the 2024 UCCF is now open! Clink HERE to register.
Additional details including scheduling, set-up, bus direction, etc...will be emailed after registration.
Any questions regarding the Upper Cumberland Concert Festival can be directed to Brian Webster at [email protected]